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首頁> 產品介紹 > Switching Adapter > Wall Mount 插牆式


6W 5.0V DC 1.2A USB

USB A-Type Adapter 5W 5V DC 1A EU,USA,AS,UK 美歐英澳插頭

AC / DC Single Output Wall Mount Type Low power consumption Efficiency:Meet DoE Level VI. ,
UL62368 IEC62368 UL/CUL UL60950, EN/IEC 60950


DESIGNED NO. YDS-8804-1-R DATE. 2020/2/19

1.  SCOPE:

1-1.This specification describes the physical, functional and electrical characteristicsofthe   6watts,
single output5V         1.2A Description Wall Mount Open Frame


2-1.Input Voltage & Frequency
switching power supply.

Desk-Top Others
Item Min. Normal. Max. unit
Input voltage range 90 100-240 264 Vac
Input frequency range 47 50/60 63 Hz
2-2.Input current
Input current should be lower than 2-3.Inrush Current
AtFull Load ,25C,Cold Start;     0.3 Arms full-loadat 

  100-240 Vac input voltage conditions.

No Component Over Stress and No Fuse Blow No Damage To The Power Supply 。
2-4.Stand-by Consumption & Average Efficiency In Active.Comply with following regulation:
  Regulations Efficiency Level  
  U.S.DOE 10 CFR Part 430 Level VI   Basic Voltage model
  EU Code of Conduct Version 5,Tier 2 Level VI V Low Voltage model
V (EU)2019/1782 Level VI  
Stand-byconsumption                 0.1       W Max.
Average Efficiency in active 75.003% % Min.
*Alltestconditionisbasedoninpoutvoltage115/230Vac60/50Hzatambient25Cafter30 minutes in fullload.


3-1.Output Characteristics

Item Min. Rated Max. Test conditions
Output Voltage 4.75 Vdc 5.00 Vdc 5.25 Vdc NO Load
Output Voltage 4.75 Vdc 5.00 Vdc 5.25 Vdc FULL Load
Output Load 0 A / 1.2 A  
Turn on Delay Time / 3 S Full Load & 90Vac/63Hz and 264Vac
/47Hz @ Ta=25°C
Hold Up Time 10 m S / Full Load & 115Vac/60Hz and 230V/50Hz,@Ta=25°C
Capacitance load / 1000UF / 100 ~240Vac, Full load
Ripple & Noise Max. 200 mVp-p Full Load & 115Vac/60Hz and 230V/50Hz,@Ta=25°C (Note 1)
Note 1: Ripple voltage measurement is tested with an oscilloscope set at a 20M Hz bandwidth & output wire 100 mm terminated with 0.1uF ceramic capacitor & parallel with 10uf low ESR electrolytic aluminum
capacitor at full load.
Output voltage, load current, voltage regulation and output noise of power supply should meet the specifications, which defined on the tables below:

4.  Output Protection:

Item Max. Test conditions
Over current protection (OCP) 2.40 A 115Vac/230Vac 60Hz/50Hz,Full Load.
Over voltage protection (OVP) 10 V
Short Circuit Protection(SCP)
The adapter will sustain a continuous short circuit at the output connector without damage or exceeding the case temperature limit defined in safety standard and when output short happened then should be down output voltage. Auto-recovery mode.
5.  Environment Section
Item Min. Max. Remarks
Operating Temperature : 0 °C 40 °C Unit shall comply electrical & machenical requirements when it recovers to normal ambient temperature after removed from strorage conditions.
OperatingHumidity: 10 %RH 90 %RH
Storage Temperature : -10 °C 60 °C
Storage Humidity : 5 %RH 95 %RH
6.  Dielectric WithstandVoltage(Hi-pot)

The Adapter shall be applied

     3000      Vac for 60 seconds or4242Vdc for 60 secondsbetween

AC input terminals and output terminals. The cut off current is  specified:s:         10mA.
(Note: In mass production, the Hi-pot voltage as above can be increased 20%, and the test time can be reduced to 3 seconds totest)

7.  Insulation Resistance
Primary to secondary::::        10

8.  EMI Requirement

  FCC Part 15 Class B V EN55032 Class B   J55032 Class B
AS/NES 3548 Class B   CNS13438 Class B   ICES-003 Class B
  GB/T9254 Class B V EN55024 Class B    
The adapter complies with :

M ohm. 500 VDC.
9   ESD: ±      8 
KV air discharge, ± 4 KV contact discharge 
10  PLD  (lightningsurge          IEC61000-4-5            )
(1)Common Mode
(2)  DifferentialMode


+/-            KV(12ohm).ClassI(linetoearth,neutraltoearth,linetoneutral)
+/-      1    KV ( 2 ohm ) . Class II (line toneutral)
文字方塊: Type	Standard
	UL	UL60950-1
	UL	UL1310
	cUL	CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60950-1
	cUL	CAN/CSA C22.2 No.223
	GS	EN60950-1
	PSE	J60950-1
	BSMI	CNS14336-1
	GS	EN60065:2002+A1:2006

      文字方塊: Type	Standard
	CE	IEC60065
	CB	IEC60950-1
	SAA	AS/NZS: 60950-1
	CCC	GB4943.1
V	CE	EN62368-1
	KETI	K 60950-1
	CB	IEC60065
	PSB	IEC60950-1

12.  Mechanical:

Body:    61mm (L) × 28.5mm (W) ×

12-2.Output Cord  42mm (H) reference only ( Detail Refer Page   8).Plug: Wire:


PIN1:+,PIN4;-,PIN2;PIN3:Shrot               mm
N/A                                                       mm
NetWeight(Approx):      52,240 12-4.AC Plug
VDE Type.