30W USB Power Delivery
30W 此產品支援PD,同時具有QC特性,兼容QC3.0,QC2.0
輸出電壓電流: 5V 3A / 9V 3A / 12V 2.5A / 15V 2A / 20V 1.5A
The document detail the electrical, mechanical and environmental specifications of a SMPS, the power supply provide 30Wontinuous output power.资料详细描述了一款30W(输出功率)开关电源的电气性、结构性及环境等要求.
The power supply shall meet the RoHSrequirement.
1.1. Description
SMPS Adaptor(Wall mount)/插墙式适配器1.2.Max cherger load/最大充电负载:
TYPE-C maximum charge current is 3.0A。TYPE-C最大充电电流为3.0A。
2.Input Characteristics/输入特性
2.1. Input Voltage & Frequency/输入电压与频率
The range of input voltage is from 90Vac to 264Vac single phase.输入电压范围:从90Vac到264Vac, 单相输入.
Minimum/最小 | Nominal/额定值 | Maximum/最大 | |
Input Voltage/输入电压 | 90Vac | 100Vac~240Vac | 264Vac |
Input Frequency/输入频率 | 60Hz/50Hz |
2.2. Input AC Current/AC输入电流
0.8Amax.@ 100-240Vac input & Full load/满载2.3.Inrush Current(cold start)/浪涌电流(冷启动)
40Amax.@ 264Vac input2.4.Energy Consumption/空载功耗
在额定输入100-240V时,空载功耗≤0.1W3.Output Characteristics/输出特性
3.1. Static Output Characteristics /静态输出特性
Model | 5V | 9V | 12V | 15V | 20V | ||||||||||
Power |
I (A) |
OCP(A) | OVP(V) |
I (A) |
OCP(A) | OVP(V) |
I (A) |
OCP(A) | OVP(V) |
I (A) |
OCP(A) | OVP(V) |
I (A) |
OCP(A) | OVP(V) |
30W | 3 | 4 | 6.5 | 3 | 4 | 10.8 | 2.5 | 4 | 14.4 | 2 | 3 | 18 | 1.5 | 2.5 | 24 |
1.Protection Requirements/保护要求
1.1. OverPowerProtection/过功率保护
Over power protection is 40W 过功率保护为40W1.2.Short Circuit Protection/短路保护
The input power shall decrease when the outputrail short,the power supply shall no damage, and shall be self-recovery when the fault condition is removed当输出短路时,产品输入功率降低且不会损伤,当短路情况解除后,产品将会自动恢复正常
2.Environment Requirements/环境要求
2.1. Operating Temperature and Relative Humidity/操作温/湿度要求
0℃to +40℃10%RHto 90%RH
2.2.Storage TemperatureandRelative Humidity/存储温/湿度要求
-20℃to +80℃5%RHto 95%RHnon-condensing@ Sea level shall be low 2,000 meter/低于2,000米.
10 to 300Hz sweep at a constant acceleration of 1.0G(Breadth: 3.5mm)for 1Hour for each of the perpendicular axes X, Y, Z扫描频率: 10 to 300Hz, 加速度: 1.0G(位移: 3.5mm), X, Y, Z三垂直坐标轴向各振动1小时
3.Reliability Requirements/可靠性要求
3.1. Burn-in/煲机
The power supply shall be burn-in for 4 Hours under normal input and 80% rated load at 40℃产品至少要在40℃的环境及80%额定负载条件下煲机4小时
When the power supply is working in the specification specified working conditions, the average failure time for at least 20000 hours
4.EMI/EMS Standards/EMI/EMS标准
4.1. EMI Standards/EMI标准
FCC Part15 CLASS B EN55032:2015 EN61000-3-2:2013 |
4.2. EMS Standards/EMS标准
7-2-1EN 61000-4-2,electrostatic discharge(ESD) requirement/静电抗扰度要求Discharge characteristic/静电规格 | Test level/测试条件 | Test criteria/测试标准 |
Air discharge/空气放电 | +/-8KV | B |
Contact discharge/接触放电 | +/-4KV | B |
7-2-2EN 61000-4-3,radiated electromagnetic field susceptibility(rs)/辐射骚扰场强
Test level/测试条件 | Test criteria/测试标准 |
3V/m (r.m.s) | A |
80-1000MHz,80%AM(1KHz) sine-wave |
Coupling/测试端口 | Test level/测试条件 | Test criteria/测试标准 |
AC-input/交流输入 | 0.5KV | A |
AC-input/交流输入 | 1KV | B |
7-2-4EN 61000-4-5,surge capability requirement/浪涌抗扰度要求
Surge voltage/雷击电压 | Test criteria/测试标准 |
Common mode/共模 N/A | A |
Differential mode/差模 1KV |
7-2-5EN 61000-4-6, Induced radio frequency fields conducted disturbances immunity requirement/电源端子传导骚扰实验
Test level/测试条件 | Test criteria/测试标准 |
3V | A |
0.15-80 MHz,80%AM(1KHz) |
7-2-6Assessment criteria /评估标准
Acceptance criteria 可接受标准 |
Performance 性能 |
A |
Agreed operational behavior within the specified limits 性能不允许变化;如果性能会发生变化,则变化的范围在产品规格书规定的范围内. |
B |
Time limited functional diminishment or malfunction during the tests is permitted. The function is self-reactivated by the unit following completion of the tests. 设备在测试过程中,性能降低允许在产品规格书要求范围内,干拢消除后,设备能恢复正常,不允许出现复位和任何方式的人工干预. |
C |
Malfunction is permitted .The function can be reactivated either by reconnection to the mains or by operator intervention. 在测试过程中,设备允许出现业务中断,测试完毕后允许自行恢复或者人工干预恢复(包括硬件上干预);测试中只允许初级防护器件损坏,并且更换损坏的初级防护器件后,设备能恢复正常 |
1.Safety Standards/安规标准
1.1. Dielectric Strength(Hi-pot)/介电耐压强度(高压)
Primary to Secondary: 3000Vac/10mAMax/ 60second
初级对次级: 3000Vac/10mAMax/ 60秒Primary to Secondary: 3300Vac/5mAMax/3S
初级对次级: 3300Vac/5mAMax/3S1.2. Leakage Current/漏电流
0.25mAmax. at 264Vac / 50Hz1.3. Insulation Resistance/绝缘阻抗
50MΩ min. at primary to secondary add 500Vdc test voltage在初级与次级间加500Vdc进行测试
1.4. RegulatoryStandards/安规标准
Type/安规 | Country/国家 | Standard/标准 | State/状况 | Note/备注 |
UL/FCC | USA | EN62368 | 已认证 | |